O Blessed Virgin, grant that we may come to Thy Son through Thee,
who hast found grace, engendered life,
and art the Mother of salvation.
Grant that He may receive us through Thee,
He to whom we were given through Thee.
May Thy wholesomeness excuse our corruption before Him;
may Thy humility, so agreeable to God,
obtain pardon for our vanity;
may the abundance of Thy charity cover the multitude of our sins;
and may Thy glorious fruitfulness,
cause in us the fruitfulness of merit.
Oh, our Sovereign Lady, our Mediatrix, our Advocate:
reconcile us with Thy Son;
recommend us to Thy Son;
present us to Thy Son!
O Blessed Virgin,
through the grace which Thou hast found before God,
through the favor which Thou didst merit,
through the mercy which He hast granted Thee,
grant that He, who,
through Thee deigned to partake of our infirmity and misery,
may make us, through Thee,
share in His glory and beatitude:
Jesus Christ, Thy Son and Our Lord,
who is above all,
God blessed forever and ever.
By Saint Bernard of Clairvaux